Swan Song R&D 6 – Broadcast 2

I have finally done the first broadcast, which I spent ages making it right. You can listen to it here: https://www.mixcloud.com/resonanceextra/that-travis-swan-song-rd-1-2nd-november-2022/

The second one is more realistic to my work here in Resonance Extra. It consists of a short preview of Swan Song, a live jamming of me, Tata and Miles, a live set from Tata and a feature of sound artist Eva Leung. https://extra.resonance.fm/episodes/that-travis-swan-song-d-2022-11-04

Eva playing live

In this programme I really wanted to talk about experimental music and sound practise in Cantonese. And to gather with friends and share each other’s work.

I feel like I have seen sound art as a study longer than ever, without ever having a moment where we talk about passion and to be imaginative with it in a fun and engaging way. And if I now have the time to do a show, a radio show that broadcasts outwards to the world, I would want to present sound art this way, not the way I have been taught.

More and more so now, I felt restrained by these blogs and learning outcomes. Before I was more so doing work for uni, but now with this project being so unapologetically me, it is hard to fit it in the system in school, and almost like having to translate what I have done onto this blog in words. I am going to start considering different ways to write blogposts to reflect the way I would like to document my work, even though it might not be the wisest move to make if I want to get good grades. But right now I just want to make things for once without caring too much about grades, because ultimately the work is for me, not the school.