Starting Point

This is the first blog post for the unit Professional Futures, I will elaborate on the things I have done for my Portfolio unit so far and the goals I have for after graduating. To begin the unit with, I would like to remind myself that there is no easy way to find my path into this scary world, the only thing I can do is prepare myself as much as I can so I am capable of taking on any opportunities when they come along. Hopefully through pinning down my hopes and dreams in practical term, I would be able to find something that would further develop what I have learned here in LCC.

In terms of my time here, I have experimented most with my own voice as a creative tool. From graphic scores, performances, sound installation, and short films to radio work, noise music and sound design, my voice has been the centre of my creative practice. After some heavy reflection, I can say with confidence that singing (musically or not) is the one thing I enjoy doing most, and it is something that I would like to turn into my profession. For my projects this year, there has been three main strands of interests that grew out of that realisation: experimental theatre, installation work, and pop music; all working under one big theme “History is but a Sullen Memorabilia”.

Things I am currently working on: My project/residency “Swan Song” on resonance extra

A work in progress on a short film for my portfolio unit and one very pop-sounding song from my album. They don’t all sound this pop but this one might be ‘single-material’.

There is so much more I am working on but I will share them later as I progress with this unit.

What do I want to do after graduating? There are so many things I want to achieve, but right now as a 21-year-old, I would like to try and pursue music and be a singer-songwriter. I would like to get a record deal and participate in the cycle of producing music and releasing and touring. It is something I owe myself to really try before going down other less “idealistic” paths, such as becoming a teacher, a curator, or more likely an admin in some institution or company.

To become a singer-songwriter, the current plan is to finish an album worth of demos and pitch them to labels. I will elaborate on my progress with that here on this blog in the future.

It has been a very overwhelming journey studying Sound Arts at LCC, and it hasn’t been easy. I feel less and less certain about my future with each month passing since day 1. I hope I can get some clarity from myself after this last term and feel less frustrated and worried at the end of the academic year.